About us
About us:
- Green Valley Oil Services is a registered and independent operating company under the law 43 of 1976 for Free Zone companies in Egypt with its headquarters based in Egypt covering the Middle East operations with three branches located in KSA, UAE and Libya.
- Pursuing as a customer focused company striving to continually offer its clients the best, cost effective, most reliable and most environmentally compatible waste treatment solutions.
- Pioneering in the Oil & Gas industry, based on an integrated model, where it provides solutions and services to all parts of the oil & gas industry. Starting from the exploration phase, running down to the production and the waste management sectors.

Message From The Chairman
As Green Valley Oil Services is your integrated oil service provider, our services are not only exclusive for the Egyptian market, however almost all our technologies and equipment are selected based on a rubric that takes mobility into consideration. Our mobility parameter does not fall short of only if the service can be provided on-site, nevertheless taking into account services can be done abroad and time to commence operations.

Plug & Play

As Green Valley Oil Services is your integrated oil service provider, our services are not only exclusive for the Egyptian market, however almost all our technologies and equipment are selected based on a rubric that takes mobility into consideration. Our mobility parameter does not fall short of only if the service can be provided on-site, nevertheless taking into account services can be done abroad and time to commence operations.
Focusing on removing borders when it comes to serving the Oil & Gas industry by guaranteeing a Plug & Play model anywhere in the region, within couple of weeks to commence operations from granting permissions.